Washington's New Cold War
Washington's New Cold War
As the American people delude themselves once more into thinking of the United States as a liberating force for peace in the world, this title invites us, instead, to think for ourselves. Behind the scenes the plans to wage war have been laid - either by proxy, as in Ukraine, or directly, against the U.S.'s old 20th-century foes. The authors make a strong case that, as the official story is laid out by government propagandists, and as the mainstream media provides cover, the aim of this latest set of American military escapades remains the same as ever: Maintenance of U.S hegemony in the global financial system. Foregrounded with an introduction by Vijay Prashad, this cogent collaboration puts forth three essays that illustrate clearly that, while the Cold War against the Soviet Union ended, the 'Cold War' against the 'enemies' of the United States did not.